Meet Creator/ Producer Elena Moscatt

Elena has been working in the film industry in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. since the late 1980s. She was an intern in wardrobe on the set of the original film, Hairspray written and directed by Baltimore Director John Waters in 1987. And spent the summer of 1990 as Kevin Bacon's personal assistant during the filming of "He Said, She Said".
In 1992 Elena joined the union I.A.T.S.E. Local 487 and started working in the craft services department for films and commercials. She was the Key Craft Services on many John Waters films including Pecker, Cecil B. Demented, and A Dirty Shame. She also filled the spot of Key Craft Services on all five seasons of the hit HBO Series, The Wire. And has worked in the crafty department during all fives seasons of the Netflix series, House of Cards.
In 1998 she created her first web series, Jamie's Way. She hired a local teen cast, including her god-daughter Krysten, and filmed four episodes. But back in 1998-2001 sites like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Vimeo etc. barely existed, and it took forever to download video on the web. Still, the teen cast has their share of fans, and the site had 20,000 hits a day. Elena updated many photo galleries of the cast at work, which helped the hits between episodes.
** Jamie's Way may be the very first dramatic web series - Via Internet Drama and Mystery 1996-2014 - Text Book by Vincent Terrace
In 2008, after The Wire ended, the work on film sets in the mid-Atlantic area became non-existent. Elena went back to New Media and created two more web series, Life After Lisa (based off the script she had started writing back in college) and Click On This, a lifestyle interview show.
Two webisodes of Life After Lisa were filmed in the Fall of 2008 and the web series became one of the first 11 web serials to be a New Media Signatory for the Writers Guild East. Life After Lisa, a Pretty Little Liars type series set in the 1980s was a script Elena had been working on since the 1980s.
Elena started filming webisodes of Click On This at the premiere of the movie Respire, and at the Baltimore Women's Film Festival in 2009. There are now over 400 released webisodes with many more on the way! Click On This was originally created as a side project to feature sponsors of Life After Lisa. But then the individual webisodes took on a life of their own, and Click soon blossomed into its own separate entity.
Elena also created the Baltimore Screenwriters Coffee Club, a club that meets once a month at The Creative Alliance where screenwriters go to have their work read out loud, and to get advice from their peers. The club now has over 350 members in it.
Currently Elena still freelances- working as crew on the Netflix series House of Cards, running her screenwriters club, and producing the Click On This Show.
Elena is also the Founder / Producer of the Baltimore New Media Web Fest, a festival dedicating to discovering and supporting the very best of international New Media, including VR projects, Web Series, Youtube Channels, Podcasts, and Social Media. The festival will be on November 5th, 2017 at the Creative Alliance. You can check it out here: https://elenamd.wixsite.com/baltimorewebfest
Here's a Podcast with Elena about the making of Life After Lisa for Script Magazine
** An article about Life After Lisa:
** An article about Life After Lisa on TubeFilter: http://www.tubefilter.com/2008/12/29/life-after-the-wire-includes-lisa/
An article on Elenas first web series, Jamies Way!! This article came out in 2000: (Jamies Way was created in 1998 and filmed up until 2002)
Links to Elena around the web